Meet Our 2023 Leadership Team

Abbie Steinhart -


Year: Junior

Pledge Class: Rho

Major: Exercise Science; Pre-Occupational Therapy

Favorite Part of Being in DPhiE: My favorite part about being in Delta Phi Epsilon is definitely the connections I have made and the diversity of the members in many aspects.

Goal as President: My goal as president is to increase the moral and involvement of members within the chapter and outside of chapter events.


Caroline Rummer - Vice President of Operations

Year: Sophomore

Pledge Class: Tau

Majors: Marketing and International Business

Favorite Part of Being in DPhiE: All of the wonderful people I have met and the amazing friends I have made so far in my time here.

Goal as VPO: One goal I have is to remain honest and transparent with my chapter members to gain their trust in my ability to perform in this position.


Lauren Phillips -

Vice President of Programming

Year: Sophomore

Pledge Class: Tau

Major: Tourism, Hospitality, & Event Management

Minors: Business, Marketing, Public Relations

Favorite Part of Being in DPhiE: I have met such lovely girls and love spending time with them.

Goal as VPP: I want to engage our community in our philanthropies and encourage our members to promote service and give back to others. I want to plan engaging events that members will be excited about attending.


Hannah Smith - Vice President

of Recruitment

Year: Junior

Pledge Class: Sigma

Major: Healthcare Management and Policy

Minor: Nonprofit Management and Policy

Favorite Part of Being in DPhiE: My favorite part about being in DPhiE is meeting the people that I know I’ll be lifelong friends with! I love being able to see all of us grow and support each other throughout our college experience.

Goal as VPR: I want to continue to make recruitment exciting and remind our members of our values, so these can be used throughout recruitment!


Olivia Matthews -

Vice President of Membership Development

Year: Sophomore

Pledge Class: Tau

Major: Elementary Education

Favorite Part of Being in DPhiE: My favorite part of being in DPhiE is how friendly everyone is and how much we all support each other.

Goal as VPMD: My goal is to be an advocate for our new members and create a space where all members feel heard, appreciated, and comfortable.


Laura Campos -

Vice President of Equity & Belonging

Year: Junior

Pledge Class: Sigma

Major: Criminal Justice

Minors: Psychology and Sociology

Favorite Part of Being in DPhiE: Hanging out with all my sisters at the sisterhood events! it makes the sisterhood feel so wholesome when we’re all together in those settings.

Goal as VPEB: To educate the chapter in fun new exciting ways on cultures and different topics that we may all not have great knowledge on & expanding our knowledge on!


Faith Shands -

Vice President of Academic Affairs

Year: Sophomore

Pledge Class: Tau

Major: International Studies & Political Science

Minor: History

Favorite Part of Being in DPhiE: My favorite part about being in DPhiE is coming home, walking up the stairs, and being greeted by my sisters. I’ve never not felt welcome in our home and i love all of my sisters equally. I can’t believe i get to be part of a community that is so supportive and loving.

Goal as VPAA: I hope to improve the overall chapter GPA by providing resources and guidance for the members. Within my term, I hope to succeed in every aspect, to continue to contribute to building an accepting and welcoming home.


Sara Rallo - Vice President of House Management

Year: Sophomore

Pledge Class: Tau

Major: Neuroscience and Biology

Minor: Psychology

Favorite Part of Being in DPhiE: All my friends and the incredible memories we have made together! Being surrounded by amazing girls who share my same values and are always there to support me when I need is without doubt my favorite part. I truly believe I have met my lifelong friends here at Dphie.

Goal as VPHM: My goal as Vice President of House Management is to make our sorority house a home away from home, a safe place where every member feels welcome, included and comfortable.


Aparna Krishnan -

Member at Large

Year: Sophomore

Pledge Class: Tau

Major: Marketing and Professional Sales

Favorite Part of Being in DPhiE: My favorite part of deeph is being able to see my favorite people all the time :)

Goal as MAL: My goal for the position is to enhance the overall well-being the unity of the sisterhood. this involves creating an environment where every member feels a sense of belonging, empowerment, and support. my focus is on building positive relationships, fostering open communication, and ensuring that the sisterhood is a place of growth and understanding. ultimately, my vision is to lead the sisterhood towards a future characterized by inclusivity, positivity, and lasting sisterly bonds.